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CLEAR will engage the full array of community stakeholders to develop comprehensive and long-term coastal resiliency plans and strategies. The process is spearheaded by the Department of State and is anticipated to take 6-8 months. The team is working with New York State and communities to create the long-term vision for the communities to avoid repeated losses, and results in a coastal resiliency plan. The purpose of the engagement is to relate the short- and long-term effectiveness of certain strategies at addressing the risk from flooding and erosion and advancing local economic development opportunities, in the context of changes in water levels and other stressors.


The team will host community workshops and employ innovative public outreach strategies to educate community members about flood and erosion risk using guidance available from State, federal and non-governmental partners. The strategies developed through CLEAR will encourage consideration of green infrastructure projects and regulatory changes to promote more resilient land use decisions (zoning, building codes, etc.) to address residual risk.



Check back soon for additional information!

Community Assets Map

The Community Assets map identifies social, economic, or environmental functions and/or critical facilities in each CLEAR Community from municipal comprehensive plans, LWRPs, and other planning documents. Assets are places or things where economic, environmental, and social functions of communities take place, or are critical infrastructure required to support those functions. Assets may also be part of the built or the natural environment.


To add additional assets to the map, or to identify areas impacted by the 2017 and 2019 high-water events or prior flood/storm events, click here. To view a how-to guide for adding markers on the map, click here.

Assets Map


The role of the Steering Committee is to visit the impacted communities, and meet with local officials, key stakeholders and community leaders to hear first-hand about concerns, ideas, priorities, and other relevant perspectives.

Are you a member of the Steering Committee? Click below to log in!

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